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on 29 Jul 2021 9:41 AM

Here is a list of questions that you can answer to determine your goals and requirements:

Do you have an existing website?

Do you offer a product or a service?

Who is your target audience? Everyone? Age?, location?, homeowners? or specific groups?

Why a website?  

  •   To offer products and services online (eCommerce) ?
  •   Provide information and contact forms to my customers (basic website)?
  •  To provide an interactional medium where there will be many contributors (community website)

Is a website and online presence going to be your primary source for marketing and promoting your business? (this helps determine the "strength" of your hosting provider)
What is your target goal for daily site visits? Are you expecting a large amount of traffic and activity on your website.

Do you currently have any marketing materials such as business cards or flyers?

Do you currently have a "Brand" and a logo?  Are you or do you require a trademark?

Will you be providing your own created content? or will you require content to be created or obtained through stock images? You should consider hiring a photographer to take some quality photographs for your website. This is not as much as you think (but not "cheap" either) and it will help local talent build their portfolio.


Once you think you have the answers to most of those questions you can contact us for a free consultation to discuss your future.